Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sweet Surprise

I was checking my email the other day and saw that I had a message from one of my cousins. She told me that I should check my university mail box because there might be something waiting for me. So, the next morning, after class, I went down to the mail room with a few of my friends from the floor to see if I had received anything. Sure enough there was a slip in my mailbox that said I had received a package four days ago from my relatives in Maryland. Once I handed in my slip to one of the men at the desk, he went into the back and came out with a large box. I had some ideas of what would be in it, but I would never truly know until I opened it. My friends and I walked back to Columbia Hall and headed into my dorm. From there I took a pair of scissors to the tape and broke the seal of the package to find something I was not expecting. My original thought was cookies and a note. I was almost positive that was it. Well, when I opened it up there was in fact a note, but instead of cookies, the was a plastic halloween pumpkin filled to the brim with assorted candies. Needless to say, I, along with the rest of the people in my room, were ecstatic. What's better for a college student than artificial sweeteners? No sooner than when I opened it, we dove into the treats. As the candy was bombarded, I opened the letter that was inside and read a very sweet, no pun intended, letter from my relatives. They just wanted to make sure all was going well and to know that they were thinking of me. It was really nice of them to let me know that they were supporting me. It definitely brightened my day and the days of my friends.

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