Our second Journalism test was today, unfortunately. Sometimes I wish we didn't have tests.. just like every other kid in America. Pi Kappa Ninth Floor had a huge cram session all this week, and especially last night. We, and by we I mean Gabby, has a huge dry erase board that we study with. We fill it with all the information that we need to
know for our Journalism tests. Then we all sit in the study room and quiz each other with flash cards, books, noteb
ooks, study guides laying all over the room. Last night Colin came over and spent the night on Pi Kappa Ninth Floor (with Chris Brown) so that he could partake in our study session. This was the first time Colin has come to visit us here in Cola Hall.

About half way through our study session, Genelle and I got really hyper. We decided to take a stretch break. After our stretch break, some how we ended up playing on the furniture while studying. Which usually happens when Genelle and I are studying together in the Study Lounge. The furniture just screams "STAND ON ME..PLEAASEEEE!!!" so what can we do? We have to do as the furniture asks, it would be rude not to. So we play and balance on the chairs while we cram in information about Ben (the hustler) Franklin.
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