My week in a nut shell- Stressful. Tests, meetings, homework, work, newspaper, sorority stuff... Little tasks felt never ending and priorities seemed higher than ever. I've stayed up late almost every night this week and I still felt like I was not making a dent in my work load. I nap during the day to make up for lack of sleep but that left me more tired. I was waiting to have a solid schedule so I could figure out how to manage my time wisely, but if this is what my weeks are going to look like then I need to make a new system and fast. Not that any of it is particularly overwhelming, but everything just kind of happened so fast when I was still on cloud nine thinking college was going to be a breeze. However, on a more positive note, I did get involved with the newspaper this week, I found a new job to keep my mother happy, and I'm two tests into college and have no reason to be intimated by future tests anymore. I'll chalk this week up to a test run, and prepare myself to dominate the challenging weeks ahead.
Sarah Nelson
Print Journalism
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