It has been an exciting past couple of weeks here in Columbia. Starting on Tuesday of last week, I had the opportunity to experience a few once in a lifetime events. The Men's basketball team faced off against Kentucky, the #1 team and the country, and gave them their first loss of the season. This is the kind of thing I watched on television, maybe three or four times in my life, and wished I could have been there to experience it. Well, this time around I had the chance and I took advantage of it. I joined the mob of fans on the court and celebrated the victory with my fellow classmates.
If that wasn't enough, I found out on Monday afternoon of the next week that John Mayer was practicing for his upcoming tour, at the Coliseum. Even though I'm not a huge fan, this was still something to get pretty excited for. The excitement only grew when I found out the next day that he was giving a free concert for a small group of students. I wasn't able to get one of the 150 tickets, but I waited with a few friends and about two hundred strangers for about an hour and twenty minutes until the security guards finally let us in. The concert was a very cool experience and something that not many people get to see.
Although these events were awesome and unexpected, there is one event coming up this Saturday that I have been preparing for, for almost a year. On Saturday, February 6, at 8:30 in the morning, on the campus of NC State, I will be participating in the famous Krispy Kreme Challenge. I love to run and I love to eat, so why not combine the two. My task will be to run two miles to the KK, eat a dozen classic glazed doughnuts, and run the two miles back without seeing the doughnuts again and do it in under an hour. Hopefully all goes according to plan.